Catch up

We had a happy day with J and M. We had lunch at our favourite little Thai restaurant in Leatherhead, and we were pleased to introduce our son the the staff who we know well.
N and J then visited a menswear shop who were having a closing down sale, but nothing suited them.
J, M and I visited our local nursery and they stocked up on plants and bulbs, satisfying their new enthusiasm for gardening.
Back home we had cups of tea in the garden , saw pictures of their recent holiday and caught up with news of their boys. I persuaded J to spend time with my laptop, iPad and printer, trying to get them to speak to each other. Why does it all have to be so complicated? He sorted it out of course.
Meanwhile, out in the garden this salvia, new this year, has come into flower. It is “ Salvia Amistad” and it makes a striking blip.

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