Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Another important lesson in photography

A.K.A. What frustrated me today...

Today, whilst trying to tidy all my different bits of photography kit into their 3 separate bags (and a little pile) I had a thought. Why not condense it all down into that lovely laptop/camera bag that I was given a while back? Brilliant idea! So, I got the bag (which had previously had its innards removed so it could be used as a laptop bag, I pulled all the lovely orange velcroable dividers from the draw in which they'd been stored and I started to reassemble a usable camera carrying bag...

That's where I hit a problem. If every you're given a bag with those hand dividers in, NEVER, ever take them out because it's guaranteed that you'll not have a clue how they fitted in when you come to put them back. After about half an hour of frustrating attempts to get all the pieces to fit I gave up and just put them in as best I could. So, here we have it all* my photography equipment safely stored in one place. My camera bags (also known as handbags) can still be used but without having to cart around surpless items.

So we have:
- the newly acquired Canon 30D with 18-55mm lens
- the previous camera, Panasonic Lumix fz45
- my Minolta Dynax 500si with 35-80mm lens (with pentax strap)
- The Boy's Lumix FT4*
- Tamron 28-200mm lens & hood
- 3 battery chargers for the 3 digitals and a spare battery for the SLR
- 3 out of date films
- macro extension tubes for the canon
- remote release for the canon
- a gorillapod
- speedlite YN460-II flash
- a 55mm UV and Circular polarizing filters**
and 3 peices of orange padding that I couldn't make fit in correctly.

*I was taking the photo with The Boy's camera but its little carry case is there and the other thing missing is a pack of macro filters for the Lumix which have been "tidied away" somewhere perfectly proving why I need everything together in one place.

**I don't have any lenses that take a 55mm filter... how odd!

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