weeds are high where the corn don't grown

It was touch or go whether we got any this year. 

last years non-stop sunshine from May to July meant that the corn grew, and got green, and tall, and swayed from side to side. 

This year, it grew slowly, it was beautifully green, but it was small.  The rain made it grow - it got taller, it got stronger, but the cobs were relatively small. 

A month ago - a year from when we got our first cobs - we checked the biggest.  The corn kernels were pale, and spurted clear juice. 

We've waited, as it got colder and grayer.  The temperature kept dropping - One warm day was countered by four cold. 

Yesterday.... Si brought home these ones - he was really surprised that they were ready...  But they are.  But they;ll have to wait in the freezer.

we have things to do.

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