Praa Sands

Sometimes I get 'choices'. Ann tells me what the options are and because I'm such a clever little collie I get to choose what I would like to do.

Today's choices were:

1. Wait in the car while Ann went to B&Q and then go for a play on Praa Sands, or,

2. Stay 'home alone' and then go for a walk somewhere when she got back.

If Ann says, 'Do you want to come with me?', I almost always run to the front door. So, obviously I chose to go with her.

Ann's 'new best friends' are the staff at 'Penzance B&Q'. After ranting about 'Tesco' and 'Homebase', we really feel we should give credit where credit is due. Ann is buying a new kitchen from 'B&Q' and has spent a lot of time there over the last few days and the staff really could not have been more helpful. She is going to fill in their 'how well did we do today' form and give them 'excellent' for everything. In fact she is so impressed with the four members of staff that she has been dealing with that she might even write to the 'B&Q head office' singing their praises. All too often people moan when they don't get the service they require, but never comment when they do!

Anyway I waited patiently in the car and then off we went to 'Praa Sands' where it was very drizzly & mizzly.

....................Didn't bother me. I still had fun chasing wind surfers, playing with my yellow bouncy ball and splashing in the big waves!

Snuggled up indoors now for a night in front of the telly.

Happy Sunday Evening Blippers. xxx

To see Polzeath - Cornish P3 - Look here.

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