A gull comes to see other gulls

I've noticed that when I'm looking at birds what I'm really interested in most of the time is their movement, their grace. So I thought if that's what it is, then that's what I should try to bring out in a photograph.

I sat up in bed scribbling last night. I'm really excited about the new book and I'm absorbing all I can about the mid to late 1930s. It's tempting to crack on right in to the narrative but that could lead to problems later on. First I need to construct some family trees and various characters with their histories. The plotting, or at least the broad framework, is done. I know where the climax comes and what causes it. I reckon three months hard graft now, with few interruptions will give me a first draft. Then comes the heartache of letting stuff go, sticking new stuff in, taking on board criticism (I'm never good at that) and the incessant tiddling around. Then I'll have three novels that no-one wants to publish!

Thank you for the feedback yesterday. I was surprised how positive you were. I've decided to stop having so many hang ups about blipping and the "will I, won't I" thing and just take some pics and if they're not as good as I want them to be, then so be it. And if nothing happens and there isn't a blip, so what?

Incidentally, this is the naked image as it came out of the camera.

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