
First day back today!! Asha bounded into school! I was pleased she quickly spotted new girl Amanda in the playground (blipped). Her big news come the end of the school day was that she 1) has a new teacher called Toni, who is so tall they're all going to get neck ache looking at him. And 2) there are 9 girls in her class this year!!! A huge increase and she's delighted. She'd made friendships bracelets for them all.
Danny, Nate and I spent the morning viewing nurseries...we saw 2 very different places. One was bilingual, structured, light, airy, colourful, expensive (they all are!) and the other was more like D-Nens where Asha used to go...low key free play, much smaller, only 5 under 3 year olds, and 3/4 of the price of the first. Nate seemed to like the second place more...we'll see! We really want him to start getting used to more time with other people, and more Spanish we're hoping a few hours in the morning might be good for him...

An afternoon of pottering, shopping, the park etc etc...cooked a big pasta dish and Danny took 3 servings out to 3 of the homeless guys. The weather is changing again tonight, dropped temperatures, higher wind, and much rain forecast....balearic storms are something else when they hit!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha loving her first day back.
2) Bumping into Sole and Chele's son at the school gate, waiting for his kids.
3) Bumping into old neighbour, Christina, and having a good catch up. 

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