
By merlbec

Silica gold

Today's the last day of our holiday, which we've spent treating our home as a holiday house and doing what we please - movies, books, sleep-ins, trips to the beach, and lots of chocolate.

This afternoon and evening we had a picnic and swim at North Curl Curl (for non-Sydneysiders, it's a couple of beaches north of Manly). Sipping my ginger beer I noticed the sun as it dipped behind a hill making interesting shapes on the dunes and patterns of light through the salt spray. Would my baby point 'n' shoot be able to capture it? I aimed it in the general direction, couldn't see a thing on the display screen except flares from the sun (ah well, at least I could control that!). I took lots of shots in the hope some would be OK. This one's my favourite, not least because the natural light has produced a sort of sepia-ish golden colour, but also because there happens to be a bit of human activity going on.

Am off to bed now, to finish reading Michael Kirby's memoir and polish off the remaining chocolate.

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