Winter Aconites
Today I woke up to thick fog although it was not as cold as it has been. I went outside to fill the bird and squirrel feeders in readiness for a bird or squirrel shot when I noticed that many of the Winter Aconites (Eranthis hyemalis) were already blooming in the border and the lawn. I did not notice them when I filled the feeders two days ago so they have not been flowering very long; I first blipped them on Sunday 8 January 2012 so they are flowering at about the same time. Some of the snowdrops are already showing white tips and it will not be long before they are open.
Although I am not keen on yellow flowers I like these little flowers, which grow all over my borders and lawn; they are always the first spring flowers to bloom each year; the polyanthus and pansies are always blooming, but I do not consider them as spring flowers, which have had to push their way through the ground.
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