Sea Gulls

For one carved instant as they flew,
The language had no simile-
Silver, crystal, ivory
Were tarnished. Etched upon the horizon blue,
The frieze must go unchallenged, for the lift
And carriage of the wings would stain the drift
Of stars against a tropic indigo
Or dull the parable of snow.

Now settling one by one
Within green hollows or where curled
Crests caught the spectrum from the sun,
A thousand wings are furled.
No clay-born lilies of the world
Could blow as free
As those wild orchids of the sea.

By Edwin John Pratt, © 1924

In large you can pick out my favourite place, Godrevy Lighthouse. Those of you who have read my book 'On Ashover Hill' will know it plays a prominent role. As it should be.

I had an interesting email from a book festival telling me that as my book is not famous & I personally am not famous (they better not tell my mother that) that they can't possibly feature me other than possibly on a shared market stall that will no doubt be in the car parks car park. They pointed out that their festival needs to sell tickets and make cash & unless i could promise serious numbers i stood no chance. Ive sold several hundred books over only 6 months with no marketing and on word of mouth but that's not making me famous enough. I know this to be true of course & I know that the book festival, a small yet well known one, started from nothing but has grown well & I like it!

On the one hand this kind of thing makes me somewhat upset. I need someone to push for me & that's not me. I must take assertive lessons. (i need an agent actually). On the other hand I was talking to a lady the other night who had just finished On Ashover Hill. She knew it inside out. She was truly moved. That should be enough. I smile, think of William (one of the lead characters in the book) and rest. All is well. If I chase the golden dream - what will that make me?

Here, hiding in St Ives, I have added 4000 words to the manuscript 'The Birthday Gift' including an important back plot. I intend to have it published for this Autumn. I awoke the other night with the start of a new novel meaning I now have 3 new ones to write & two old ones to rewrite. I will keep filling the funnel.



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