
By Eilatanfoto

Look Closely....It's Another Green Thing!

If you were at a garden centre, the answer would be easy - they're giant flower pots!

If you were in a park, the answer would be easy - they're giant flower pots!

If you walked past someone's ridiculously huge mansion and noticed some sunflowers waiting to be planted and sitting next to these, the answer would be easy - they're giant flower pots!

But no..these are located, wait for it....
...outside the Cullen Art Hotel in Prahran. They're not flower pots, they are art and if you go by yesterdays blip, at least one of them is alien! (or possibly kryptonite, which is also technically alien if I'm not mistaken....was more of a dadadadadadadadada Batman fan - sorry).

There are 3 Art hotels in Melbourne; The Olsen, The Blackman and The Cullen, and they are designed around each of these artists' 'style'. (I don't remember Cullens' work involving giant flower pots but I could be wrong, after all I don't remember Blackman reflecting on the need to replace internal doors with curtains, yet his namesake hotel seems to have run with it!) Each hotel features an array of associated art and are considered to be 'gallery' in style. This particular piece of art/alien life form, has been strategically placed to the side of the building slightly out of view next to the equally artistic bike rack. This was possibly done to prevent vandalism and/or possibly because the restaurant staff were getting to many enquiries as to how much the giant flower pots cost?

What was more distressing was the sign that read "Do not climb!" A non-interactive sculpture that could be mistaken as flower pots....bet someone got into trouble for that. (Okay, so most people don't automatically look at things and think - wonder if I could climb it - but it's located near some night clubs so I'm not convinced I'd be the only one).

It should be noted, I actually like them/this/whatever, but am still a little bit wary of the green one....what's that old saying again..."Say it with flowers....send a triffid???"

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