Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Bold, Bald And Beautiful

I told you during yesterday's blip that I might go back to the same area and try to get a shot of a different section from where I was standing then. (Sorry for the repetition. Just trying to get you to compare.)

How about today's shot as an example of a giant flood coming through and causing masive erosion. Notice how the following years of monsoon rains and winds have carved out additional features.

This is a very unique sight, even by Arizona standards. There is certainly a long of places that show the effects of water and wind erosion - across the centuries. The Grand Canyon comes immediately to mind. But there are probably millions of smaller areas, not only canyons, that show the effects of the harsh desert climate.

I have been suffering from vision problems for years. Complaining to my doctors that things were blurry. About six years ago, the doctor told me that it was my astigmatisms and that my glasses would never make my sight perfectly clear.

Four years ago, I was told that I was beginning to develop a bit of cataracts. But it was normal. No new glasses.

Last September, I saw a new doctor. She said that my cataracts had been progressing at increasing speed over the last couple of years and that by next year (9/13) we might be talking about surgery.

Recently, my vision has been so blurry I can't tell whether a photo is in focus and no matter how large I make the font on the computer, it's still blurry. The last straw came when the closed captioning on the televion started to blur.

Monday, I went in and explained the problem and they gave me an appointment for Friday. My cataracts are so bad that my eyes are straining to see around and through them.

Her earliest surgical appointment is February 14, and if all goes well, the other eye will be done four weeks later. I can't wait. I'm going to put the eye drop company out of business at this rate.

I still will eeed the closed captioning but now I will be able to read it! Maybe a blip or two, too! Incloding mine :-)

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