A sunny slog

I was heartened that today's Lake Vyrnwy Half Marathon was this year going to take part under blue skies and not heavy rain. In hindsight, I think I might have preferred the rain. It just wasn't a great run for me today.

To be fair, I don't think there was really enough water available for the warm conditions and I did that thing that they always tell you not to do - take on an energy gel that you haven't tested in training. To be fair, I probably didn't even need it but once I'd gulped it down, it hit my stomach and everything just felt horrible from then on. Stitch and legs that didn't want to run for the remaining 7 miles plus legs cramping up in the last mile. The horrible sweet, sickly feeling remained for the remainder of the day so much so that I couldn't really eat much for the rest of the day. A lesson learned the hard way. 

Still a beautiful a location, just wish it hadn't have felt like such a slog. 

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