Oh No...Say It Isn't So...

After a really slow start this morning, it took some serious self persuasion + the neighbor chipping wood (on Sunday morning, really?) to drive us out of the house and on to Costco. My $15 puffy jacket from  two years ago is beginning to self destruct but I heard a rumor that a new model has been introduced and I was reasonably motivated to get a new one before they run out. 

Winter (and worse) has arrived at Costco. Imagine my horror when I was greeted by Christmas trees and snowman and reindeer just far enough into the store that it was too late to bolt. Thank goodness they still have the new model puffy jacket in several nice colors. At that price, I could have gotten it in every color but I restrained myself....As we trudged around the giant store I couldn't help laughing as others were having similar conversations to our own, asking each other the eternal Costco question, 'can we really use this much (tinfoil/edamame, HagenDazs ice cream bars, chicken breasts ...) in our lifetime? And where will we store it?'

By this time the place was filling up with people struggling to push huge carts around the circuit. Perhaps everybody should be required to circle clockwise. At least the aisles are suitably wide and ladies in hairnets are standing behind tables loaded with free samples of (bread & butter, chicken noodle soup, yogurt and some sort of Korean beef bulgogi) so we can keep our strength up. Next time we'll go on a week day....

We came home and put away our new bathroom wastebaskets, four packs of English muffins and naan, superfood salad and a few impulse buys that it will take a month to finish. I felt that I had earned a nap, having been awoken at 5am by a door needing out, but alas, the neighbor on the other side is now mowing his field.

This was not the Sunday I had envisioned....


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