
We went down to Jack's Patch this afternoon. Marian wanted some compost and I wanted some water plants for the new pond. It's the end of the season so they're doing two for one. We got one of the staff to advise us and selected a bunch of plants that will suit a nature pond.

Once back home, I got all the stuff that had gathered in it out. I'd emptied the rainwater and leaves out before. Marian routed a hose from the water butt in the front garden, which still had plenty of water and soon it was full. We went through the plants according to the labels, getting them in the right depth of water. We have some large rocks which are no longer needed where the were so I've heaved them down to this bed and put some around the edge of the pond. We'll gradually get that hard edge hidden. you can't see much of the plants yet but you can see an iris (it'll be a beautiful crimson) and if you look closely you might see the leaves of a smaller iris just peeping out of the water.

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