With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


The card version. Thanks a million Betty! You saved the day.

My Canon is really not working, so I am rediscovering old menus.

Talking of which, the menu for today was scrapped as Little Agu spent most of the early morning being very sick. He is recovering fast, as they do, but we couldn't really feast infront of him. However, we ate some lovely leftovers from J and B's party yesterday. The walking living all had little trips out, Sam for a good long walk. By 8pm Little A was well enough for presents, as the Kings had definitely visited. The guitar strings have pinged. We need some gut ones instead. Gutted, but then that seems to be the theme for the day.

I hope the Kings brought everything you would wish for. If not, you should try writing it down next time.

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