Wasp or Hover Fly

on the Sedum :)

Exhausted.com tonight.

Up at 5.30am same as usual, tidying, sorting.  Then went to drop keys at Estate Agent and found I knew the Receptionist...

Home and 'Cathy Can' arrived to help me do a tidy up and deep clean...no...mostly clearing out my huge understairs cupboard.  Not much cleaning got done, but at least I took a car full to the tip and she took some stuff to a charity shop...BUT there is still tons more stuff and no more time....

I went to the tip followed by the supermarket, and my back is now in full complaining mode....but I have loads yet to do and I'm out tomorrow!

Poor Charlie was not happy, she decamped to the garden whilst this was all going on!

Anyway, that's Saturday ....and the plus news is a viewing is booked, but not until Thursday...thus far :)

First part of Strictly tonight with the new judge, followed by Casualty :)

Dinner is roast salmon with various vegetables :)

Happy Saturday folks :)

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