Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

A Bunch of Crooks

You may be thinking this is a reference to the 'government' at Westminster (I couldn't possibly comment) - but it is in fact a bunch of crooks (shepherds' sticks), both useful and ornamental, and a harmless hobby which uses only renewable, natural materials.  

And you can win prizes for them - £3 for first, £2 for second, £1 for third. Just remember to declare it to HMRC!

The source of this desirable extra income is the Upper Kalewater Show and Sports.The same rewards are there for all kinds of vegetables, flowers, cakes and scones, photographs (might have a go next year :-) ) and crafts. 

Even bigger rewards for sheep, £4 and downwards, £10 for class and show champions. Your best bet might be the dogs - £5 maximum. Border Terriers, Collies, Whippets and Foxhounds have several classes but class 133 is for 'any variety of dog or bitch'.  So lots of opportunities there.

I was torn between this and the first extra for my Silly Saturday entry (thanks again, Admirer!). This entry for 'model made from fruit and vegtables no bigger than 30cm cubed' by a lad aged 10 only got 4th place - he was robbed!

Oh, and there were lots and lots of sheep. And farmers and their families, all having a great day out. A local show for local people, in the very best sense of the words. Held in a field high up in the Border hills, facing a clearly visible Roman marching camp. Funny to think of them pitching their leather tents there just a couple of millennia ago.

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