
By momcat1

Since my hummers won't cooperate

and neither will my compute....
I have TMP- too many photos - on my computer. It keeps telling me I am almost out of memory. It won't let me download any new photos. It won't let me update my phone. I have dumped firefox and google chrome and several other things I never use. I have deleted 1500 photos. It still tells me I have no space. GRRRR. To make things even more annoying the external hard drive I bought that has 1 terabyte of memory and has been used once to back up my computer , for some reason will not let me download just the photos into it so I can  dump them from the computer. And none of the computer aficionados in the house can figure out why. 
 So as I am deleting bad photos I  should have dumped long before , I ma resorting to an occasional back blip , just so as to not be off BLIP forever. 
 This one was from a trip to Arizona in 2016. I just can't resist that face.

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