Red Squirrel



Plan for today: take down decorations (the tree and lights to be done tomorrow, as I'd never get it all done in one day), have dinner then a nice evening of music and wine.

Reality: I got to sleep about 2.30, slept until just after 9, woke feeling yukky. Eyes sore and heavy, throat hot and dry, head blurry and body aching - legs especially. No, I hadn't had a drop to drink last night! Back to sleep, woke again about 10:40, knew I'd HAVE to get up to feed Tom and the cats. Next thing I knew it was 11:20. I felt lousy and really didn't want to get out of bed, but had to. With Tom & co fed and after a late breakfast, I plodded on with the decorations, which really took it out of me. I seem to be devoid of energy :(
At 5.30 I ended up laying on the settee for a hour wrapped in the spare quilt, head on a pillow and eyes closed, listening to some quiet music. I've managed to feed Tom & co tonight, ate a small dinner (slowly) and still feel like shit really horrible. Dinner's gone down, and now my blip's posted I may well take refuge on the settee again.

The last couple of days at work I'd noticed that sometimes when I got up from my desk my hips and legs seemed a bit stiff and slightly achy - but assumed it was me getting used to my seat again after an 11 day break. Obviously not! Today's been an exact repeat symptom-wise of the Saturday when I had a rotten viral thingy a couple of weeks before Christmas - though last time it came on slowly and I knew I'd got it for a couple of days before it really hit me hard. I suspect it's back again, BLEAUGHHH!!!!!!

I blipped these foil spirals last Christmas, and as I love them so much decided to do another blip of them today, before they came down.

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