Crossing closed

The railway goes through my village via the level crossing whereit crosses the road.  It's been a bumpy crossing for a long time and they're doing the repairs and upgrade at the moment.

The road is closed for ten days (although pedestrians can still go over) so it cuts the village in half. I have a diversion to get to and from Oswestry so have to remember to set off in plenty of time.

Today when I went to take a photo of the works, two lorries and several cars went right up to the level crossing before turning round and going along the signed diversion.  They obviously chose to ignore the three Road Closed signs on the road before they reached the closure!

A train whizzed through when Iwas there as they're not affected during the daytime, work is only happenning at night. If all goes to plan the road should reopen on Monday so everyone is hoping that they'll be on time.  

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