A present from Iran

Colleague Amir brought me these lovely Gaz sweets back from his recent trip home to attend a family wedding. They have long been a favourite of mine.

They are similar to a soft, less sweet nougat with - as you can see- pistachio nuts and a hint of rose water! Delicious! 

I gave him some fudge and brandy snaps from Whitby!

More on the passport saga! I filled in a new form and prepared to take it once again to my boss for signing. I decided to look on the website to see what was said on there about using my Dad's birth certificate rather than my Mum's, as they'd mentioned that I should add a note in the extra info section to explain why. 

They did not tell me that I would also need to include a copy of their marriage certificate if I used his birth certificate. Hers is the unacceptable "short form" version so it is no good! So more documentation to get. I'm just glad I realised before my next attempt, or it would have meant another road-block in my way! 

Work again tonight - last night was pretty busy, but Amir and I were fine!

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