By lizzie_birkett

Peace Selfie!

We were at the Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds this morning. We're moored right outside it and the admission is free. 
The museum had been described to us by a few people as the best they have been to - which, I suppose if you are interested in weapons and war it would be.
Although it is a really well thought out and well presented display of arms and armour through the ages, the hunting of wild animals, and the history of various battles at home and abroad it is just not my cup of tea. The best bit for me were a number of framed posters, on a small space of wall, promoting peace.

There was also a display about knife crime in the UK just now, making people aware of the terrible aftermath of the actions of those who commit the crime and the effects it has on the victims and families.

It was disappointing to see toy weapons and children's modern day camouflage army clothing and toy guns in the souvenir shop.


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