Best get your own laces tied son?

eh Why would I need to when Mum and Dad are so willing!!!!! hehe x

Today Johnny went to play in his first football tournament.....however when Wee Johnny and Big Johnny got there the coach said "you're not meant to be here, you didn't get the text and if you don't get the text then you don't come!!!!"......anyway to of the other mums had given me the details and us being women didn't really think about the coach tactics. Julie was being helpful and giving me the details as she knew that I didn't have the coach details and me I just didn't think about it!!!!

Anyway the coach then said "we will get you a wee game son!" So off he trotted in his new yellow astro turf boots. Papa went along to watch too and took lots of photos!!

Johnny came home with his new Busby top and is all ready for going again to training on Tuesday night! I have told him he needs to clean his boots and make sure his kit is at my washing machine too....start him young.

Johnny then had Euan's party at Rainforest Adventure and another 2 hours of running around like a loony!!

Megan is miles better than she was at the start of the week and is away to Emma's birthday treat.....a trip to the climbing wall at Exscape and then a sleepover.

Back to school on Monday so need to get the shoes out for a polish tomorrow, pack the gym bags and get the kids to sleep at a reasonable hour!! Wish me luck,


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