Another Volunteer

This riotous plant swarmed out of the raised bed and has been crawling along the ground toward the edge of the hill. We assumed it was a pumpkin until it produced several of the pumpkin shaped objects shown in the extras. (Sorry it's turned shouldn't be, but it insists) 
We kept it on the counter for a couple of weeks and then cut it open to reveal a rather bland, tasteless flesh and a lot of seeds...a bit like a cross between a squash and a melon. 

We try as hard as we can to eat or can or freeze as much of our produce as possible, but are we required to do something with this when we didn't even plant it?

I braved the horrible mall today to replenish my supply of mascara. In an effort to cut down on waste, plastic bags are no longer supplied in stores, and paper ones cost ten cents. 
In an effort to cut down on waste, I juggled my purchases out of the store and promptly dropped them into that totally inaccessible place between the driver's seat and the center console.

I managed to fish them out but it required scrunching myself onto the floor of the back seat and sliding my arm under the front seat and over the track that allows the seat to move backwards and forwards. I'm not sure my arm ever will again....I'm glad nobody happened by as I was performing this rather ungraceful maneuver...

...and I didn't even get a good Blip out of it. Certainly not a wide angle one 

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