Duckpool Bay

In yet another cracking dividend from the Minx's research, today we went out to Duckpool Bay. From the car park, it's quite an adventure to get across the rugby ball sized stones to reach the beach proper, but once there we set up camp and after a bite to eat we headed into the sea.

I must admit, I am beginning to see the attraction of sea swimming and why people might want to do it every day. (This may have an impact on where we decide to live eventually!) Once we'd gone through the delicious agony of immersing ourselves, we got out into the waves. It was a strong tide and the waves were wonderfully brutal. At one point, having ducked beneath a breaking wave I came up to find another hot on its heels, which delivered me a generous mouthful of water as it bowled me over. 

Sadly, this was our last full day on holiday so in the evening, after Milly, Hannah, and I had run, we drove to the car park at Clovelly and walked down to the harbour for a farewell drink (see today's extra). 

No scales
Reading: 'Are We Still Rolling?' by Phill Brown

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