New Deal

Not sure where I picked this up - something for the reading pile to remind me of a time when Government spending did make the world a better place, and book publishers did things that were immediate and topical.

After running the TVA, Lilienthal went on to the US Atomic Energy Commission. His response to being briefed about The Bomb, in 1946, was to write in his journal: 'No fairy tale that I read in utter rapture and enchantment as a child, no spy mystery, no "horror" story, can remotely compare with the scientific recital I listened to for six or seven hours today. ...I feel that I have been admitted, through the strangest accident of fate, behind the scenes in the most awful and inspiring drama since some primitive man looked for the very first time upon fire'.

I spent today with other aspirant creative writers and our wonderful tutor L. trying to make words bend to our will.

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