
As everyone is claiming democracy in the service of their own truth, being democratic has become synonymous with being undemocratic. There is no truth left. No right or wrong. It's only about perspective. After the events of today, one view would be that our democracy is broken. Another would be that it's never been stronger. Both are true. I felt proud of our arcane democratic system today. The hole we've jumped into is so deep that there can be no easy way out. Soundbites are simply not good enough. The astonishing thing is how the whole process is playing out in completely unpredictable ways. No one has a clue as to the end game. The fear has to be that there isn't one!

On a day when I was whisked across the Pennines by E for a surprise visit to Liverpool. It was deemed necessary I had a change of scenery and an escape from the relentless news cycle. I'm not sure I've left Yorkshire all summer. Liverpool is rather wonderful.

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