Out and About with the 3 Amigos

I had fun with the boys today, I took them on a road trip to the east of the island along St. Clement's Coast Road. I got stuck behind a few slow moving vehicles, but that didn't matter as I'm listening to a gripping audiobook, Sleep by C. L. Taylor.
Our first stop was La Hocq, where the tower in the collage is situated. It's a lovely beach which is great for rock pooling when the tide is out. The Le Hocq Inn is nearby and I think Trigger must have got a whiff of something because he just couldn't sit still, even falling backwards of the bench, just as I took the photo.
Next it was Kelso's turn to lose his balance at Le Rocque Harbour, which made for a very wonky horizon, trying to stop him from falling any further!
Our final destination was Gorey to show them the view of the village and the castle. It had been a 37ft tide this morning and was still a bit splashy at times but not so high that it stopped the boys from enjoying the view.

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