Boring blip alert!

Another day of constant rain, so I haven't crossed the threshold at all. This afternoon I made a batch of ginger oat biscuits, which should see me through the imminent week at Pookie-Minty-Leo's

After making a feeble effort at a spot of housework in the morning, I did some more of the Beryl Cook jigsaw, then watched last week's 'Saving Lives at Sea' which clashes with the new GBBO. 

In this episode an RNLI team covering the Wirral Peninsula had the unusual task of trying to rescue a horse that had become trapped in mudflats off the coast at low tide. They spent four hours altogether trying to dig out the horse with the help of a Fire and Rescue team. They and the horse were covered in mud from head to toe/tail by the end! 'Saving Lives at Sea' is an inspiring series showing the amazing and often dangerous work of these volunteers.

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