Walk On Up To The Waterfront
My Dear Fellows and Dear Princess,
I'm trying to think of anything which distinguished Monday.
Well, for a start I decided to walk down to the harbour. I don't do this as often, now that the office no longer leads directly onto Lambton Quay. Having said that, it is not like it is miles away. Just that I am very lazy. So today, I stuffed my laziness in a sack and it was totally worth it. Clouds on the horizon, but a lovely day.
The other thing that made Monday special was another long chat with my friend the Princess. As usual, it was very childish and was exactly what I needed. I especially loved the Princess's diplomatic technique for telling someone to cheer up (doing "Give Us A Clue" where the clue is "Sounds like 'Coaning Munt'.")
Very subtle, Princess.
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