Another Languedoc year...

By SweetApricots

Up and at 'em

Feeling a squillion times better today after all your kind comments over the past couple of days.

The dogs leapt into the car and off we zoomed to La Caumette past a very clear distant view of the snow-capped Pyrenees. Ali wanted to paint some joists and, in blazing sunshine and a 22 degree C greenhouse, I wanted to sow some more flower seeds. Those I've sown already are doing famously despite some sub-zero nights.

Our lovely architect Colin brought one of his architect pals round for a look at the house and a dose of reaffirmation. It's good to hear people speaking so kindly about our new house.

The roofers had slipped in unnoticed, while we'd had two days away, and completed the downpipes, finally. Now we won't have any more damp corners and we can begin to fill the reservoir tanks in the basement ready for watering all the plants we're growing. We could save up to 30000 litres a year from the roof, so I think we can safely bet that we won't have a drop of rain for at least the next eight months!

We are expecting a delivery of 200 square metres of floor tiles on Monday, then the tiler can begin. Once he's finished the kitchen, plumbing and electrical fittings can go in. Then we really will be on a roll. Bring it on!

This cat found its favourite spot on my One Street. The advantage of living on a hill is that you can see rooftops from above.

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