twinned with trumpton


Up early; I had to have the rising star stripped and ready by 9; which was fine. 

Then Tom and I eschewed MOTD and hit the sunshine and Asda / graffiti wall and looped back to meet Her at the 5 Ways; back to mine for brunch / coffee.

Alex returned suitably chastened after a 10-1 defeat in Easthouses ("Dad, what do they feed them on out there? The laddie I was marking was at least  *this* much bigger than me..." Later accusations of over age players being fielded emerged on social media; ffs it's under 9 soccer...!) and we scoffed some sort of deconstructed fish pie and headed off to SKELF with BMX bike (pump track bike has inflation issues) and spent a couple of hours there.

Then to the Erik Petrie opening at Dundas St - catch it while you can; it's only on until Thursday. Said hi, admired his work and sped off as the folkie duo kicked off.

Home via Tesco; put Tom a bus (we left the BMX in town) and raced him home; he won by a short head) and in for steak pie and ice cream (that's separate courses, gastronomic readers)

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