Jassie the Wonder Dog II

I tried capturing Jassie mid-run while Jo threw the ball for her this afternoon. The AF on my EOS is just not up to the task...or maybe it's me. Not sure. Anyway, out of 30 or so photos, nothing really grabbed me. Jo chose one and reminded me that it is just a blip. Well that made my mind up to try for something else.

I combined training with blipping for this one. 3 weeks ago it would have been hard enough to get Jassie to sit, let alone stay while I walked to the camera, focused it, hit the self timer and run back to her. She would have run a mile! As it is she is still a bit wary. If you look she is leaning slightly away from me. Again that is better than 3 weeks ago when she had to be caught by Jo before I could stroke her.

She is a very clever dog. I asked Jo if I was pushing her too hard but Jo thinks that she is going along well. Mental stimulation for her is good.

For the first time ever as a pet owner I am not looking forward to leaving her with Jo's brother for a week while we are in New Zealand on holiday. Not that I have a problem with Andy looking after her, but I feel that Jassie and I are really connecting and it will be a shame for both of us to suspend the process.


Still sick. I went back to the doctor and got an extension on my sick note today. So I won't be back at work/college this week. I am starting to get cabin fever from hanging around the house!

To make matters worse, it looks like Jo is coming down with it too.

Well, rather now than next in a weeks time when we are off on our holiday.

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