Impatien zoom.

After yesterdays lazy blip I thought I'd try and be more creative, didn't want to go out so stayed in the garden. Thought I'd try zooming (zoom burst?) I've no real idea of the term or way to do this but had fun playing. Decided to use this so if I ever learn how to do it I can compare.

Really lazy day today. Longish walk in the woods this morning. Yesterday was my first long walk on uneven ground since my foot injury. I now appreciate the saying "Use it or loose it". I have lost fitness by not being able to walk properly with my broken toe, and not having run agility courses for 6 weeks I really do feel sooo unfit! 

Called into Jodie to wish her belated birthday wishes, and hear all about their holiday. Franky is really into writing and joining the dot pictures, I think he's ready for school the week after next. He is definitely left handed and his pictures and writing are really neat. He proudly showed us every detail of his new school shoes, including a demonstration of how he walks in them. Mum Jodie is still in trauma at the cost of them - £44. I'm pretty sure that's not far off the price I paid for her school shoes.

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