Vide Grenier (non-sale item)
Back at full complement with TallGirl safely home, a leisurely morning. And fantastically cool after a long, hot summer. The morning was profitably spent watching bee eaters ridding the garden of insects. Never seen them before so that was very exciting, given that we are at the edge of their range and it's time for them to fly south. Then some front of house weeding, and the regular two pre-Rentrée vides grenier.
CarbBoy found a bunch of swords to add to his collection, but rejected a magnificent long sword because the hilt was a bit wobbly. I had to check with him that these are only for display purposes, so presumably a bit of wobbliness doesn't matter, but he just gave me the look.
And I found some beautiful crockery, so I'm happy. TallGirl thought the soup tureen was a bedpan, though it later transpired she meant chamber pot. Anyway, it will go nicely with the china I was given from my Great Grandma's estate in a display cabinet I don't have. tallGirl seemed shocked that we have turned in her absence into the type of people who wear hats in cars (Mr B - we have previously expressed firm views on wearing hats in cars with a roof) and have glass fronted display cabinets.
The second vide Grenier (at a stables) for some reason had a big WW2 display, including this vehicle.
Later, chilling in the garden, slow roast lamb, and the last episode of Game of Thrones with CarbBoy.
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