Because this is who I am

By Brighde


This is an effort to cheer me up, I've been burring clothes for art again, which is a nice change.

Yesterday wasn't a very nice day. I wont blapper on about it but a loved one of mine is in hospital. I just hope she's okay. I know she's brave and she's promised me she'll be okay. So that's that.

John will be coming over later to cheer me up and as well my dad popped into my room and said erm, come downs stairs a minute. Obviously thinking the worst. But he told me he forgot to give me one of my christmas presents from a while back. Perfect timing because I felt horrific, my bag in amazing. It's a teal colour and has gold clasps and lots of compartments which I like. It's hard to find a handbag I really like.

Lets hope today is better.

Happy Blipping.

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