Big Omaha Wharf

Yesterday I became aware of this wharf at what was once the thriving settlement of Big Omaha. Across the other side of the Omaha River still is Little Omaha. The nearby township of Whangateau was the centre of commerce for this area because of this wharf, where supplies were landed and goods loaded for transport to the markets in Auckland.

Some years ago, the local historical society restored the wharf to its former state, and have included inside it posters with information. On the other side of the wharf is a ramp from which boats can be launched at all tides.

This photo was taken at 0611 this morning. I had changed into my running gear and driven the quarter of an hour to the wharf to be there before sunrise. I have made some minor adjustments to the original image, to maintain the clarity and colour of the sun, while lightening the shadows of the wharf building. I am very pleased with the result.

After taking my pictures, I had a run along the coastal road, and saw more to interest and appeal to me. Herons (of course), kereru, kotare, oyster catchers, shags, the patterns of the river as it winds its way to the sea. Much to bring me back again in future for more pictures.

Later in the day we went to take my niece to a local pottery, only to (almost) run into a huge line of slow traffic heading that way. Later realised that there was a Shihad concert out that way today. We turned tail and went elsewhere. Had a lovely time.

Then an hour and a half in the garden, followed by a swim to cool off. Wine and cheese while waiting for the children to go to bed. After posting this, I am to collect the Thai take away for the adults. Tomorrow is the last full day here before tsuken and family return to Sydney on Monday. For most of tomorrow we will all be here once more, after daughter C and her sons join us.

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