By GEMGirl


So today my dad visited me and we had lunch together since he was working in the area! It was a welcome break from work and good to catch up

Then I made a fab spag Bol! Good comfort food :)

This is Kelly the teddy I've had since I was little and my dad had before me (though when he had her she was a boy... She had a sex change when she was given to me as I wanted a girl teddy) which makes her almost 50 years old!

Dad bought her back to me today after grandma have her some much needed tlc and a restuffing. I know...I'm a 21 year old with a teddy but its more of a comfort thing...she reminds me of home, family and mum and when I'm having a bad day seeing her on my bed makes me smile

And I appreciate things that make me smile :)

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