The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Sisters our Walton shirts!
L to R, in reverse chronological order: Mouse (m0u5e1972 on blipfoto), Kate, Me (woodpeckers), Tanya (TMLHereandThere)

Tanya and I took our mother north of Fort William, to the flight of locks on the Caledonian canal known as Neptune's staircase. It was engineered by Thomas Telford in the 1880s and I was keen to see it, having only passed by on the Jacobite steam train previously. However there was almost no let up in the battering wind and rain!

We had some tea in the Moorings restaurant, left our mother there then went walkabout briefly, before returning and heading off to our next stop, a sort of geology-and-dinosaur museum near Corpach. This was small but fascinating: another place I'd never been before. Many gemstones, both cut and uncut.

As we drove back through Fort William the weather seemed to be improving, but we had to rush, via Duror where our mother lives, to Appin, to see our sister's newish house, before she had to take her daughter to Guides at North Connel, where she used to live! We met up again at Benderloch, where our other sister lives and Tanya's second daughter and boyfriend are staying.

So complicated! So many miles! Tanya and I rushed back to the spot north of Appin where the roadworks are being done, hoping to catch the 10pm convoy, but there was no need for an amnesty or a pilot vehicle, because the steamroller had been given the night off! Too wet, I suppose. We drove almost straight through 'the war zone' and were back in Duror in record time.

Wind and rain raged all night. I played Solitaire on my phone when I couldn't sleep.

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