Nearly Gone

As it is the last day of Christmas this weekend I thought that it was appropriate to blip a Christmas tree. This one is at Somerset House by the ice rink.

I really must learn to ask people if I can take their photo. While I was taking miscellaneous photos - all crap poor, a man appeared carrying a Harris Hawk - I asked what it was. The hawk is used to discourage the pigeons from the ice rink. I looked at her and she looked at me but it seemed rude to ask and it would have probably been another crap poor photo

Go large to count the bows

Smile factor:
As I approached work, I passed the new cinema in the Barbican. I looked in. There was a man relaxing in a chair. He saw me looking at him and he grinned. I of course smiled back. It would have been rude not to

Walked across London to work and hula hooped in the office

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