Checking on da Aets

It was raining this morning, but it soon cleared into a sunny and warm afternoon.  Clouded over this evening, and breezy.

I've been working on the museum desk again today.  There's been two cruise ships in Lerwick, and we've been busy.  In the afternoon, I had a mission with the boss, Dr Ian Tait.  My boss at the pub had a bad fall this afternoon, so I'm on a long shift in the pub tonight.

Our mission this afternoon was to go and record the last remaining traditional Shetland thatched roof, which has sadly fallen into disrepair.  The roof it truly fascinating, with all sorts of timbers used, even some from a sixareen boat.  Bernard is hoping to get it sorted, and back to it's former glory again.  The house has been in his family for years, and I even had family from here too.  He has been growing some Shetland aets (corn), and that will hopefully be used for the thatching.  Here's Bernard Smith and Ian Tait looking to the aets.  Taken at the Villians, Cunningsburgh. 

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