Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Spotted - Another Butterfly

Rather mixed weather today. We took advantage of the windy morning to blow giant bubbles - great excitement when a few survived to float away out of sight over the tree-tops. And I learned how to make bubble mixture properly - a spoonful of sugar makes all the difference.

Later in the day we managed a short while in the children's playground in Hawick, dodging showers. Eventually we went into the museum where Nico had fun in the Nature Room, floating like a butterfly.

Wilton Park is really lovely. I took a shot of part of it from the first floor of the museum, and another in the garden, of the newly installed memorial to the soldiers of the First World War. They are in the extras.

Al and Nat have gone up to Edinburgh this evening, leaving us in charge. The children have settled down and all is quiet so far. 

The Burley Bunch are home and it's now agreed that Raf will be returning to Yorkshire next Tuesday. Though he's a lovely dog and I do enjoy walking him, I won't miss the products of his very active digestive system or his copious shedding of his magnificent coat.

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