Water Lilies!

19° C  -  16 mph Wind  -  Cloudy  -  Partly Sunny.  Trip to Dundee this morning to go round Hobbycraft and PC World  -  my favouite hunting grounds.  Went round Brechin Castle Garden Centre on way home. Had a coffee there and a look round the Edinburgh Woollen shop.  Went into the garden area but didn’t buy any plants  -  ridiculously dear.  For instance £9.99 for a rather drab-looking Cranesbill Geranium!  They grow like weeds in my gravel patch  -  for free.  So then I thought: ‘Seeds’.  None to be found and when I asked an Assistant she said ‘We’re sold out of seeds’.  I asked her when they would be getting more in and she said:  ‘When the next sowing season starts’.  When is that, I asked.  ‘About Christmas time’, was the answer.  Sorry to bore you with my encounter, but I just can’t believe the logic of it  -  I’ve got some seed packets that say ‘Sow before 2023’, so could be sold any time of the year!!  One nice thing happened when I got home  -  I was walking through the garden and discovered two lilies in a dark part of my Pond  -  I had thought the lilies were already finished so it was a joy to discover them.  I see the insects are also enjoying them.

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