I took Dog for an early morning walk which was eventful. I first hailed good morning to a father and daughter on bikes heading for the beach huts. Then I met a most interesting man counting Ladies Tresses. Yes, apparently a wild orchid that sometimes grows in SE England. We have a bank along the green that sometimes has them. He pointed them out to me and we counted over 70! I headed back and saw that father and daughter were now out on a kayak (photo) and walked straight into a group of immigration officers with their binoculars, checking the coastline. With the good weather, many migrants are attempting (and succeeding) the channel crossing. 97 along our coast were picked up yesterday.
Later popped to the lifeboat station to give over a bag full of 5ps that they are collecting to see that the lifeboat was out on a shout.
An otherwise very quiet day, sitting in the courtyard listening to my audiobook and drinking Pimms. Back to work tomorrow :(
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