FIGGY's Sporadic Blips

By Figgy

Loch Lubnaig looking north

Although I live within walking distance of Loch Venachar I must admit to Loch Lubnaig, a 5 minute drive away, being my favourite Scottish loch. Nestling between Ben Ledi and Ben Vorlich it is around 5 km long, and has depths of up to 44.5 metres.

The former Callander and Oban Railway which runs along the west shore of the loch has been converted into part of the National Cycle Network's 'Route 7' spanning 9 miles connecting the towns of Callander and Strathyre.

While much of the west shore is innaccessible and falls steeply into the water, the east shore carries the main route north to Fort William and Oban. There are many picnicking places along the east shore which have unfortunately become overcrowded and unable to be used by locals due to having been taken over by city people camping over the weekends, fishing, lighting fires and dropping piles of rubbish, and using the wooded areas as public conveniences.

There was a time when wild camping wasn't allowed but since the area has become part of the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park a blind eye has been turned. Rumour has it that this is in the belief that if these people can use Loch Lubnaig they will leave alone the better known Loch Lomond where camping is still banned our expense.

I feel another letter to the National Park Authorities coming on.

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