no bill posters

as usual we've become a bit nocturnal over the holidays, so it was a bit of a shock to our systems when we got up earlyish to go to the cinema. dropped the kids off at a bleary-eyed auntie g's and headed off to the 11 o'clock showing of seven psychopaths....except the showing was at 11pm and not 11am. beefy was not amused. I was though, so I ignored him...

instead we went to see life of pi which we both thought was fantastic. I started the book a while ago but never finished it then I had bought the audio book to listen to whilst running but I found that I couldn't concentrate that way. anyway, I'm going back to the book, which I know will be better than the film...they always are.

on our way back to the car, we laughed at this sign and picture of bill cosby! we fully intend to add a picture of bill oddie at some point in the future...

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