My Magic Kingdom

By HRHCinderella

Sally's View of Harties

Today was my final day as the Administrator of The Mountain Cambridge School. I have had three great years behind the desk where I had my eye on the whole MCS family. I know I will miss it but I am looking forward to my new role at the school. (More explanation to follow soon)

Carolina, Sally, Helen and I had a busy morning in the office getting everything under control. We have become a great team and it was great having Helen (LuvU2) with us. We have missed her so these last few months.

We aimed to leave by 12pm but only escaped after one. I bought Sally a little notebook to use to keep track of her To-Do-List. It was a small token of the handing over from me to her!

On my way home I went past her house to fetch a book. She lives up one of the mountains and this is her amazing view of our little town.

I had wanted to try to get a similar view yesterday but it was cloudy. Today the comditions for taking photos were perfect. It was actually a scorcher today. The car said 39.5 celcius when I got into it. On my drive back to Sandton it averaged out at 35!

If you missed it, please take a look at yesterday's bus stop.

"The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it."

My Joy Today:
~ Seeing this view for the first time.
~ Enjoying my drive to and from school on the open road before the busy traffic starts again.
~ Feeling my children's excitement as we pack the car ready for our early start tomorrow morning.
~ Knowing we are a few hours away from a wonderful family beach holiday.


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