Man at work
OK, if there was any justice, this photo would have been of The Minx, who has spent all weekend toiling on setting the base for her new potting shed. Unfortunately, I didn't get a decent shot of her :-/
While Dan and I were travelling up from London, she was at B&Q, consulting with the staff as to the best way tackle a large stone that was in the way of her shed. Well, not so much a stone as a large piece of concrete containing stones. There was, apparently, talk of a sledgehammer but in the end she came away with a metal spike and a 2kg hammer.
Dan and I arrived home around the same time that Simon arrived in Kirkby Lonsdale. The three of us were just finishing lunch when the Minx returned from her shopping expedition and, with the exception of Dan, who withdrew to reunite himself with his double bass - we ended up in the garden to tackle the obstacle to the potting shed's base.
Guys, it was a long job but also deeply satisfying. There was something very enjoyable about working together on this common endeavour, especially with the regular encouragement of another piece coming away, until finally the job was done!
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