Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

As a change from the gates...

...I thought I'd offer a big yellow taxi caterpillar today for the derelict challenge...
Thanks Marlieske!

A wonderfully sunny Bank Holiday weekend so far - spent most of it in the garden, including a gin taste testing with the neighbours!
Last year we picked their plums while they were on holiday, and gained a bottle of plum gin and some plum jam in return. This year we picked the raspberries, and incidentally gave them some gooseberries and some rhubarb. Sheila wasn't sure what she'd make with them, so I innocently suggested gin...
So this afternoon it was a "flight" of three gins - the raspberry was like a liqueur, the gooseberry beautifully sharp, and the rhubarb very rhubarby even though it lacked a bit of colour. All three were delicious - and the plum is on the way but not quite ready yet.

Don't forget - my last MonoMonday coming up - tag is mm292 and the theme is "moment"...

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