High again
More of the same, though in panorama so it feels like I tried a bit harder.
More glorious weather too, though skiing this low and this early in the season seems to mean that sunshine leads to poor snow on the warmest pistes. Bus up to the resort this morning to give our car a break. Then the kids were back in class and Mr B and I headed off up high again. Sore legs and a useless wrist took away any desire I had to do anything challenging, so I concentrated on looking elegant (as if) on easy blues while Mr B took all the red shortcuts.
Lessons on Friday include a test to see if pupils are ready to move up to the next level, and happily both our two can start in a higher class in February. Warning Katherine at lunch that Conor might catch her up next season obviously spurred her on in the afternoon, and she followed Mr B happily down reds and off piste. Meanwhile I escorted Conor down the beginners' slope about a hundred times, with a few excursions onto blues, off piste and over jumps to keep him entertained. His skiing was, happily, easily back to the standard of two years ago and a total change from yesterday.
Bus home, rehydrating, Wii MarioKart, baths... And I'm ready for my bed at 8pm. Early start tomorrow to get packed for going home.
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